Monday, May 25, 2009

Things That Make Me Happy - Part I

  • Jacob's kisses - they are something new and so sweet.
  • Abby's knock-knock jokes - she is a natural comedian. Her mind is CONSTANTLY working trying to think up ways to make us laugh. Most of her jokes have to do with booties. I blame Josh for that.
  • Coffee - Folgers and Hazelnut CoffeeMate
  • Josh's hugs - usually by the time he gets home from work I need one of these.
  • Crab Casserole - YUM!
  • The kids playing together. This happens (successfully) about once a day and it is beautiful! They are both happy and usually giggling. The kids' giggles are intoxicating to me. I love it and for the brief (very brief) moment before they start to fight again, it makes me daydeam about having 12 kids. :)
  • Our bunny, Emmy. She leaves a trail of rabbit poop through the house but I love her. She follows me around the house like a puppy and enjoys being petted. She also tolerates crayons in her cage and Jacob laying on her. Bottom line - she's a good bunny and a much better pet than most we have.
  • Grilling out and having a "campfire" at home. We try to do this once a week. I am not sure why I like this so much. I think it reminds me of things I miss since we had kids - camping, riding jetskis and having time alone with Josh.

1 comment:

  1. Lol on Abby and the bootie jokes. Haha. Ella likes the word "buttocks", which she learned from her cousin CJ. The other day, she fell and said she got a crack on her buttocks. She went and showed her crack to her cousin CJ who thought that was soooo funny!!!!
