Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lets Go Predators!

The kids went to their first NHL game of the season the other night. It was very special because it was Jacob's first game ever. He enjoyed all of it, well except for Gnash. That's okay, though, Abby used to think Gnash would bite and scratch her - now she loves him!

One of the highlights of the evening was Abby getting her face painted. Keep in mind she usually just gets a little pawprint painted on her hand or her cheek...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Owen - the sockless wonder boy

Okay. I am going to put something out there that is extremely controversial. Here it goes. I only put socks on my infant son when it is cold outside. GASP. I know it is shocking and you are struggling not to judge, but there it is. I say this because a random lady at the grocery this week told me my kid needed socks. Well she didn't come out and actually say it. Instead, she told HIM in her most annoying babytalk "your little toes are so cold, you need socks." and then looked up at me. I get your point lady, although I totally refuse to listen to you.

The reason I bring up this story is because it seems like everyone has something to say about children these days. For me, it always happens at the grocery store and it is getting super old. What really bugs me is getting "the comment". I cringe everytime I hear it and I hear it multiple times during every grocery trip.

Apparently having two, or heaven forbid three, children is a lot these days. If you take your children to the store you will be stared at like a local version of Nadya Suleman or the Duggar mom. The first thing that must pop into the minds' of innocent bystanders is "WOW - you have your hands full." I know, I know - that isn't that bad. But trust me, after you hear it 6 or more times (yes, I have) it starts to tick you off. I feel like I have things under control and my kids are pretty well-behaved so I do take a little offense. In full disclosure I must say that my "wagon train" approach to shopping probably doesn't help my image. Owen rides in his stroller. I push the stroller, pull a cart and Jacob walks. I guess it is a little funny, but my kids don't cry, scream, knock things down (often)or cause problems in general. So I don't understand why 2 well-behaved kids in a grocery equals a handful worth commenting on constantly.

People feel compelled to comment on others' children all the time. In the relatively short period of time that I have been a mom (6.5 lovely years), I have received stranger advice on what my child should wear, eat, play with and how I should nurse them, hold them and clean them. I am starting to think that every new mom should come home from the hospital with a "Comments and Suggestions" box that she can wear around her neck. As far as I am concerned, all annoying strangers are free to give me suggestions, but my glassy-eyed look should tell you that I am not listening to anything you say...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another one bites the dust...

The world has lost another "Jacobism" and I am really bummed about it.

First, "Na" became "Mom". I had mixed feelings about it. I loved "Na" and knew I would miss it because it was Jacob's word for me. I was glad to hear some progression in his speech, though.

Then "Gee" became "Gammy". More progression. Of course I realize that this is a wonderful thing.

Last night, Jacob and Josh were snuggling and watching tv on the sofa.

Josh: "I love you, Jacob."

I waited to hear Jacob's usual response. It is so sweet and my favorite Jacobism.

Jacob: "I love you, too, Dad."

I honestly felt my eyes well up with tears just a bit. That was not Jacob's usual response. His usual response has been "Love me, dad." This was totally new and unexpected.

Just to make sure it wasn't a fluke...

Me: "I love you, Jacob."

Jacob: "I love you, too, Mom." And another Jacobism bites the dust.

Jacob will probably be starting speech therapy soon and I guess I need to go ahead and prepare myself. Soon, more of those cute little things he says will gone. They will be just another example of how bittersweet parenthood can be.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Our huge pile o' sticks. We have a fire pit and like to have a "campfire" a couple of times a week. The kids love to zoom around on Grandma and Grandpa's golf cart collecting sticks.

Anywhere there is a small patch of gravel or dirt, you will find trucks and trucks and more trucks.
Some people have gargoyles protecting their home. We have a porch turtle. I can't wait to move our porch turtle to a new porch. Soon, I hope!

Owen amusing himself while I clean out the car...

Okay, I cleaned out the car. The large rubbermaid storage tub contains everything I removed from the car (excluding a half full garbage bag of trash.) Sigh. I thought of posting a list of everything I found in the car but it was too embarassing.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010