We are in the process of building a house. The process is moving very slowly at the moment...but first a little background info.
Right now, we (family of 5) live in a tiny 2-bedroom house next door to Josh's parents. It was great for when we were "starting out" but now it is not working out so great.
A few years ago, we bought a beautiful 5-acre lot down the street. It half wooded and half field (or whatever you call that). It also has a gorgeous year-round running creek. We recently attempted to sell our lot because I wanted to move ASAP and didn't want to wait around to build. The lot wouldn't sell (grrrr...) so we decided to get started on the home building process.
So far we have pre-qualified for our construction loan, gotten our septic permit and bought our plans ( http://www.frankbetz.com/homeplans/plan_info.html?pn=3809 ). We have also found our builder/general contractor.
Now things have started to slow down. We have to get our driveway permit before we can go any further. Unfortunately, the current driveway is too steep. Josh and his dad have been attempting to grate it out but have run into several huge rocks. They tried busting them up with a sledge hammer but it didn't work.
The contractor is also working on the bids, which takes time. I am just anxious to get everything finished up so that we can get our loan and break ground. Honestly, the whole process makes me nervous and it seems that the longer it takes to get going, the more I worry. I just can't wait until we get to the actual house building portion of the house building process.
Well it looks like it's going to be beautiful. Good luck. I hope it all gets going soon. We're doing a little remodeling, and it is a lot of work but will be so worth it. I hope we can get together soon. I miss you guys!