If you do stop to help a shelled friend across the road, here are a few points to remember:
1. Never put yourself or your family at risk... always find a safe place to stop and park your car. Never try to stop and get out of the car on a busy street.
2. Never take wildlife home. I know they are cute and the kids love them. But please don't do it - even for a day!
3. Always move the turtle to the other side of the road in the direction they were heading. If the other side of the road is not safe, try to find the nearest safe area in the direction they were heading. Water turtles should always be released near a pond, etc.
4. Always thoroughly wash your hands after handling a turtle. They can be Salmonella carriers.
5. If you find an injured turtle, call Walden's Puddle in Joelton, TN. I have taken 3 turtles to Walden's Puddle (all 3 had been run over by cars). I was sure that each of the turtles I brought in would die. Amazingly, they were able to save them. They patched them up and I helped release them a few weeks later. Walden's Puddle is a great organization that is always in need of donations and volunteers. You can check them out here: http://www.waldenspuddle.org/
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