Thursday, May 28, 2009
Jacob's Big Shoes
I couldn't have asked for a better role model for my son. It makes me very happy to think Jake is looking to Josh for a definition of what it means to be a good man...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
And the Verdict Is...
We have had issues with Jake's speech. It is pretty impossible to understand him and he communicates mainly through gestures, pointing and grunting. After talking to his pediatrician, we decided to get him checked out.
A wonderful lady came out today to give Jacob a screening. She asked me questions, asked him questions, asked him to perfom different tasks, watched him play, etc.
TEIS evaluates kids in five areas:
- Personal-Social Skills - interaction with other people
- Adaptive Skills - handling different tasks
- Motor Skills - using his muscles
- Cognitive Skills - problem solving
- Communication Skills - understanding and using language
Jacob passed all areas. The screener acknowledged that Jacob is quite a bit behind in his language usage. But because his language comprehension (he understands what we tell him) is so good, it offset that score.
The conclusion we came to is that Jacob is probably just a lazy talker. He doesn't want to put out the effort to talk when he can just point and we will try to figure out what he needs/wants. TEIS is going to send me some info on ways to encourage him to use words and get talking. I hope we can find something that will work.
The screener also said that if the situation doesn't improve by October, they will come back out and reevaluate or see what they can do to help. That is very encouraging.
The main reason I wanted to write about this is because I wanted to make everyone aware of a great resource that is available if you need it. Everyone I spoke to was so friendly and helpful. I wouldn't hesitate to call them again if there was a need. It seems like a great program and it is free!
Memorial Day Feast
Monday, May 25, 2009
Things That Make Me Happy - Part I
- Jacob's kisses - they are something new and so sweet.
- Abby's knock-knock jokes - she is a natural comedian. Her mind is CONSTANTLY working trying to think up ways to make us laugh. Most of her jokes have to do with booties. I blame Josh for that.
- Coffee - Folgers and Hazelnut CoffeeMate
- Josh's hugs - usually by the time he gets home from work I need one of these.
- Crab Casserole - YUM!
- The kids playing together. This happens (successfully) about once a day and it is beautiful! They are both happy and usually giggling. The kids' giggles are intoxicating to me. I love it and for the brief (very brief) moment before they start to fight again, it makes me daydeam about having 12 kids. :)
- Our bunny, Emmy. She leaves a trail of rabbit poop through the house but I love her. She follows me around the house like a puppy and enjoys being petted. She also tolerates crayons in her cage and Jacob laying on her. Bottom line - she's a good bunny and a much better pet than most we have.
- Grilling out and having a "campfire" at home. We try to do this once a week. I am not sure why I like this so much. I think it reminds me of things I miss since we had kids - camping, riding jetskis and having time alone with Josh.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Strawberry Fields
Today We took a MOMS Club trip to The Orchard in Cross Plains to pick strawberries. It is a great place. They owners are very nice. They grow strawberries, blackberries, peaches and blueberries. They have a picnic area and are very kid-friendly.
Our strawberries on the way to Gammy's house. YUM! I hope we eat them quickly so that we can go pick some more...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Salamander Hunter
Sunday, May 17, 2009
We Are The Champions
I have to brag a bit. "Our" kids won the soccer tournament yesterday. Josh and I are so proud of all of them. They really gave the game everything they had. This weekend Abby played better than I had ever seen her play. I am so proud and excited for her. She almost scored a goal!
The championship game was everything a championship game should be. The two best teams were playing. The game stayed very close (tied for most of the game) and it was so exciting.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Mess of the Day
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Our Garden
We didn't plant alot - just a few things we really like. It is basically just an herb garden. Maybe it will save us some $$$ at the grocery store.
We planted:
- basil
- tomatoes
- mint
- parsley
- cilantro
- rosemary - it smells so good!
- jalepeno peppers
We also planted tons of flowers - they were my Mother's Day gift from Abby.
A small garden with baby plants - hopefully they will grow quickly!
A tomato plant with basil in the background.
A few of the flowers Abby picked out for me.
My garden sign. :)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Puddles No More!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Things That Bug Me - Part I
- Finding empty juice boxes all over the house.
- Running the dishwasher twice because the dishes did not get clean the first time, then having to towel dry the dishes because Jacob started the dishwasher a third time.
- "Unballing" Josh's socks before I can wash them.
- Seperating Josh's shirts before I can wash them - he wears layers then takes them off together.
- Cheerios - I find them stuck to the bottom of my feet, in my shoes, in my bed, EVERYWHERE!!!!
- Forgetting to add the bleach to my bleach load.
- Telemarketers - especially the recorded ones for vehicle warranties.
- Stepping on small toys in the middle night. My cousin once told me that there is no greater pain than stepping on a Barbie shoe. Amen!
To Be Continued....
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Kindergarten Here I Come!
First we met the kindergarten teachers. There are 4 and each typically has 15-20 students per class. The class rooms were very nice. The rooms were packed with activities, audio-visual equipment, computers, artwork, etc. It was exactly what I pictured it would be. Abby liked that each desk had a nameplate with that student's name on it and a basket of school supplies.
The teachers gave her a "goodie bag". Its contents were:
- pencil
- beanie baby
- pamphlet on "No Child Left Behind"
- pamphlet on literacy
- pamphlet on preparing kids for school
- list of things to work on for kindergarten (raising hand, not interrupting, etc.)
- blue t-shirt that reads "Watch Out Kindergarten Here I Come"
Next we took Abby to have a language/speech assessment . She seemed really comfortable and didn't have any problem with it.
We went to the gymnasium next and met the principle. The kids played on an inflatable bouncer while we talked. She has been at this elementary school for 20+ years and actually lives near some of our friends. She was wonderful and I feel really great about her being in charge.
Then we took Abby to the cafeteria. She walked through the lunch line and met one of the cafeteria workers. She gave Abby a breakfast box (pre-packaged cereal, juice). Abby was very happy to see that the cafeteria sells apple juice boxes.
So that was our tour of the school. Overall Josh and I were inpressed. Being in a rural community, we weren't really sure what to expect. The school was in good shape and clean. The library was beautiful - I hope Abby gets alot of enjoyment from that. It seemed that the school had everything to provide a good learning environment.
Now it is up to Josh and I to provide a good learning environment at home and help her understand the importance of doing well in school and getting an education.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Be a Friend - Move a Turtle

If you do stop to help a shelled friend across the road, here are a few points to remember:
1. Never put yourself or your family at risk... always find a safe place to stop and park your car. Never try to stop and get out of the car on a busy street.
2. Never take wildlife home. I know they are cute and the kids love them. But please don't do it - even for a day!
3. Always move the turtle to the other side of the road in the direction they were heading. If the other side of the road is not safe, try to find the nearest safe area in the direction they were heading. Water turtles should always be released near a pond, etc.
4. Always thoroughly wash your hands after handling a turtle. They can be Salmonella carriers.
5. If you find an injured turtle, call Walden's Puddle in Joelton, TN. I have taken 3 turtles to Walden's Puddle (all 3 had been run over by cars). I was sure that each of the turtles I brought in would die. Amazingly, they were able to save them. They patched them up and I helped release them a few weeks later. Walden's Puddle is a great organization that is always in need of donations and volunteers. You can check them out here: