I am having a rough week... My daughter is growing up and there is nothing I can do about it.
This past Saturday she was the flowergirl at my brother's wedding.

It was a pretty large wedding and she did not know most of the people there. I thought she might be nervous, she might need some support from mom. Not a chance. She stayed with the bridemaids and did just what the coordinator told her. At the reception, she danced with her aunt and uncle and she got her own food from the buffet table. Not once did she need mom for anything.
Today we went to register her for kindergarten. In the elementary school office, she proudly announced to everyone "I am a new student!". We filled out her paper work and Abby even had to sign a few things. She signed her name to a Cafeteria rules contract and an internet usage contract. She was excited. To be honest, I was nauseous.
So what is the big deal? Josh and I have had lengthy discussions about this. Abby is a free spirit. She digs for worms, sleeps with panties on her head, prank phone calls her daddy, wears stocking caps in the summer and wears her pants backward on purpose. This is her "school registration" outfit. She also wore polka dot tennis shoes.

Our biggest fear about school is that through the influence of other children and teachers, Abby will lose some of her individuality. We are afraid that she will be told and shown that being different is not a good thing. Josh and I are still working on how to deal with the influence others will soon have on our child.
Many homeschool friends have told me that one of the greatest things about homeschooling is that their children where able to be as different as they wanted to be and felt no pressure to change. I have begged Abby to let me homeschool her, but she wants to experience school. Josh and I have agreed to let her have that experience. I know she will do well - it is just me I am worried about!
So the saga continues...
Tommorow Abby goes to the dentist to have two of her baby teeth removed. The dentist has reassured me that her permanent teeth are close behind. But how that can be? She is my baby. There is no way she can be ready for permanent teeth. What a week.